There are multiple methods to enter addresses; below are the different available methods
Large number of addresses
If you have a large number of addresses to enter, the best method is to use the import feature. The template is available in the folder c:\multi-terr\import and the file import.xls. Or you can download it from the website under the Addresses menu, Add new address button and clicking Download Excel Import file. Note: The limit for Excel 32-bit is 64,000 addresses. You can have multiple territories within the same file, or split a territory into multiple files
Once your file is completed, you can import by going to the Import menu under that Home tab, or the Import menu under that Import/Export tab tab
One address at the time from the desktop application
You may enter one address at the time by using one of the following methods
Addresses menu under the Home tab
You can add an address by 1) clicking on the New button in the window, 2) clicking the New button in the Edit tab 3) Click the Yellow Star at the bottom beside the record indicator 4) scrolling to the last line and entering the information on the empty line
Complete List menu under the Home tab
You can add an address by 1) clicking the New button in the Edit tab 2) Click the Yellow Star at the bottom beside the record indicator 3) scrolling to the last line and entering the information on the empty line
Datasheet menu under the Home tab
You can add an address by 1) clicking the New button in the Edit tab 2) Click the Yellow Star at the bottom beside the record indicator 3) scrolling to the last line and entering the information on the empty line
One address at the time from the web application
By the territory servant or their assistant
Addresses menu and clicking the Add new address button
By the publishers
By clicking the Add new address button
Publishers without a login/password access a territory by scanning a QR code or clicking on the link in the email. They can only addresses for the territory they currently have access to.
The way to enter a new address is the same as in the video in the previous section. Note: The button is available only if the Options have been activated, either from the web or the desktop application.
You may verify addresses entered on the website by clicking Synchronise under the Website tab or retrieve a list by clicking on the Verification menu under the Website tab
Note: Before printing the first time, we recommend that you select your printing form
Applies to version 5.0.0038 or later